Overcoming our "dragons" & becoming one with our true, goddess selves : a book club and support group.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Open to Receiving! DIY Patterned Bookshelf

Hi People! I hope you're all having an amazing weekend so far. I wanted to share an experience that made me so happy and grateful a few weeks ago. If you've been reading your Simple Abundance book, you'll know that it talked a lot about receiving all the abundance the universe has to offer you. I love how this journey incorporates not only the spiritual aspects of being, but the temporal as well and how it ties in with the spiritual. Take for instance how Sarah Ban Breathnach writes about how beauty truly comes from within, yet fashion and makeup totally help us to enhance our inner Goddessness. Spiritual, temporal, physical, emotional, even financial...it's all linked! I've been learning that right and left this year. 

Anyway, my experience... April 9th's entry tells us to "declare to the Universe that you are open to receiving all the abundance it's waiting patiently to bestow." I did this out loud at Target after feeling a bit discouraged looking at the beautiful scented candles and persimmon-colored nic nacs that weren't going to work into my budget. I went about my shopping, stopping last in the value section. I saw these beautiful brown paper wrapping paper rolls in the $1 bin and thought, "that would be perfect to cover my new sewing closet shelves in!" I decided to buy $10 worth. Well I was super happy when I did a double take at my checkout total and realized that I got 10 rolls of paper for just $3! I felt so grateful all day and still do every time I look at my revamped shelves. It's a symbol to me that God wants to bless us with things that will add to our joy. I also realized that a lot of times joy and abundance is right there in front of us, we just have to use a bit of creativity to make it work for us. Just like God created the universe from unorganized matter, we can create beauty and positive energy out of the abundant materials we're given every day. 

Here are some pics. Sorry for the not-so-crisp-and-bright-fancy-photos. I declare myself open to receiving all the abundance the Universe has to offer me in the form of a nice camera! :D 

I found covering this bookshelf was cheaper, less messy, and quicker than painting it. All I did was carefully measure out the wrapping paper to fit on every piece of the bookshelf. Then, I took some homemade "Mod Podge" that I made out of white craft glue and water and painted the bookshelf with it, spreading the paper pieces on as I went. I touched up a few bare specks here and there with some paint that matched my paper at the end. I love how it turned out! 


  1. Wow! It looks great! That's a great idea, I wish I didn't hate to measure stuff.

  2. I agree with Mom....the only thing that wouldn't be fun is the measuring! I can't believe how cute they turned out though...well actually i can coming from you Lace! I love all your little ideas.
