Overcoming our "dragons" & becoming one with our true, goddess selves : a book club and support group.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


"One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." André Gide


Friday, February 22, 2013

DIY Doily Candle Holders

For our first Joyful Simplicities activity, we made candle holders in connection with Candlemas Day. Have a jar somewhere in your kitchen? Clean it out (please refrain from eating an entire jar of chocolate sauce or the likes), and get going with this super cheap, super easy DIY...

Glass jar
Paper Doilies (I got a big pack of them for $1 at my local dollar store)
Mod Podge
Ribbon (optional)

1. Paint some Mod Podge on the jar where you want your doily. Stick the doily to it.

2. Paint a coat of Mod Podge over the doily (don't worry, it will dry clear.) Continue steps 1 and 2 for as many doily pieces as you want to put on.

 3. That's it! You're done! Tie a ribbon around the rim if you'd like. 

 By the way, these darling jars have more uses than candle holding...


Meeting #1: Orientation

The 21st, the day of our first official "Goddess Group" meeting, finally came! Here is a recap for those of you out there who would like to follow along...

Optional Preparation & Supplies 
  • Wholesome recipe idea: Broccolini & Charred Lemon Flatbread
  • A glass jar, paper doilies, Mod Podge, a paintbrush, a piece of ribbon long enough to fit around jar
  • Light a bunch of candles all over the room (see Simple Abundance, "Joyful Simplicities for February")

I've been planning for weeks now to have our first "Goddess Group" meeting by candlelight. In our Simple Abundance (SA) books, which I hope you have all gotten a copy of, there is a list of "Joyful Simplities" for each month. The first for February is to celebrate Candlemas Day by lighting candles all around our homes and basking in the glow. I think we may need to make it an ongoing tradition! It was calming to be a little more in tune with nature's pattern of day and night, and everyone truly looked like goddesses in the candlelight.

We started our meeting with a prayer asking for God's help on our journey to authenticity and freedom from bondage. I encourage you to stop for a moment and pray in whatever way you know how for guidance and power on your journey.

Next, we went around the room introducing ourselves. We each told about what we do and what we LOVE to do. Isn't it unfortunate how the two are rarely the same thing? Take a moment to write down what you do and what you absolutely love to do. Are they the same? We'll be working on that...

At that point, I pulled out the snackage: a couple of garlicy, parmesany, wholesome flatbreads I've been dying to try my hand at (see the recipe link above). I then took time to explain my intentions for the group. Take a minute to look over this next part to get an idea of how things will go...

     To overcome our individual “dragons” with a step by step approach, focusing on strengthening and cleansing our minds, bodies, and spirits. To work towards becoming one with our true selves, using Simple Abundance  as our guide. To support and grow close to one another as we take this journey together.

Things to Remember
     Take things one step at a time and be patient with yourself. A holistic approach to healing and overcoming takes time, but the results are lasting and beautiful. Don’t get overwhelmed! Everything we’ll be working on is connected, so no matter how fast you’re moving or what aspect you’re focusing on, it’s all one path heading to the same place: Authenticity, joy, and freedom!

Lacey’s Story
     I suffered with depression for 12 years since age 14. Some periods of time were more severe than others, but I always had an underlying feeling of purposelessness and sadness. Debilitating anxiety showed its ugly head when I got married in 2009. It’s been a long journey trying every drug and therapy in the book, but it has led me to understand that in order to truly overcome our dragons, we need to strengthen and cleanse our minds, bodies, and spirits. I strongly believe that it takes focus on all three to achieve optimal freedom, balance, and joy in all areas of life and health. I am extremely happy to say that I have finally overcome my two biggest personal dragons with, and only with, this holistic approach!

Meeting Agenda
     Our meetings will generally go like this…
            8:00 Opening Prayer
                    2-Minute Thought/Quote
            8:10 “Show & Tell” about our past week’s experiences
            8:35 Mind, Body, or Spirit Lesson
            8:50 “Golden Mirror” Meditation
                    Closing Prayer
            9:00 Activity 

Weekly Mind, Body, or Spirit Goal
     Each week we will be adding a new mind, body, or spirit goal that will help us overcome our personal dragons. The lesson will be an explanation of the new goal. We are in it to win it, so don’t be surprised at the intensity of the goals, but also remember to just do the best you can. Any step forward, no matter how small, is getting you closer to the “promised land.” Watch things improve exponentially as you make a change here and make a change there!

Things to be Doing on Your Own
o    Read the day’s message in your Simple Abundance book each morning and do your best to follow her counsel and assignments.
o     “Golden Mirror Meditation” (SA Jan. 30th) 
o    Keep a “Gratitude Journal” (SA Jan. 14th)
o    Mind, Body, Spirit Goals
o    Check up on your partner throughout the week

         We will have assigned partners which we will change every four weeks. This will give us a chance to look out for and support one another throughout the week. Do your best to stay connected with your partner during the week. A huge part of my overcoming my depression/anxiety was the counsel and care of a friend. 
   The Blog
     I will be posting recaps of our meetings on a blog in an effort to reach as many women out there as possible. I will also be posting on the blog during the week with inspiration, and setting up a discussion board for you all to do the same if you’d like! 

I use the word, "dragons" to describe our individual bondages, for two reasons: 1.That's how my grandma described them. 2. In fairytales there is often a dragon keeping the princess prisoner in her tower, just as our issues--depression, anxiety, eating disorders, migraines, constant tiredness (just to name a few things that women I know struggle with), keep us prisoner to a sub-par life and hold us back from being the queens we are meant to be.

We closed our meeting, as we will each time, with the "Golden Mirror Meditation" introduced on January 30th of Simple Abundance. I turned on my Pandora "Meditation Music" station, and we each closed our eyes and pictured a beautiful golden mirror surrounded by pure white light in which we each saw an extraordinary woman: our authentic selves. We watched to see what she looked like and what she was doing. Some of the girls noticed that the woman in their mirrors were versions of their child selves in their adult bodies, running and playing freely. One noticed that she caught only glimpses of images here and there of good memories instead of a single woman staring back at her. Perhaps these were bits and pieces from the mosaic that is her authentic self? Times in life where her true self shone through? Another saw the pure spirit version of herself, clean from life's traumas and labels she felt so weighed down by. All in all it was a very enlightening experience for each of us. Turn on your meditation music now, and spend a couple songs-worth envisioning the Golden Mirror and the woman inside. This will be an important tool on our journey, since "whatever we visualize in our minds can come to pass in the physical world." (Breathnach, Simple Abundance Jan. 30th) End your session with a prayer.

As a reminder of your first candlelit Golden Mirror Meditation, make your self a darling candle holder. We had a great time doing this and they turned out so so cute! Click here for instructions. 


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Goddess Group Intro.

I am so excited to get this support group and book club going in a couple of weeks! I've worked really hard to overcome my depression/anxiety, and with the practice of 6 steps that cleansed and strengthened my mind, body, and spirit, I feel that I have finally done it! I feel such a consistent hum of joy and creativity in my life now and want every woman out there to feel the same.

For those of you involved in-person in the Goddess Group, don't forget to mark our first meeting in your calendars: Thursday, February 21st at 8:00pm. For those of you participating via this blog, check in on Friday, February 22nd for a recap of our first meeting. In the meantime...

I would encourage you to go back and read January and February's messages when you get your book. At least take a look at January 14th's, and start a "Gratitude Journal" like she says to do. This book is going to guide us on our journey to becoming one with our true, goddess selves! 

I'm looking forward to the magic...
